Search Results
The new Low Touch Economy: shifts in consumer behavior + opportunities (Covid-19 Webinar)
10 Examples of customer behaviour in the (New) Low touch economy
Webinar: COVID-19 is influencing consumer health behavior. Are the changes here to stay?
The Low Touch Economy Explained: Who is winning the new normal? (by Nick De Mey, Philippe de Ridder)
Shifting Consumer Behavior During COVID-19
MGI Economic Insights Webinar: The consumer demand recovery and the lasting effects of COVID-19
WEBINAR: Ready to become a winner of the Low Touch Economy?
SSE Alumni Webinar: How retail consumer behaviors shift during crises such as COVID-19
GWI webinar: coronavirus – the global consumer impact
Webinar Series: Shaping the Post-Pandemic World - Consumers and Covid-19: Before, During, and After
Change is the New Normal - Are Consumer Behavior Changes Here to Stay?
Consumer Behavior in the Wake of COVID Webinar